
Sisterhood. What does this mean to you?


Much of my work is with women who desire to create a more loving and accepting relationship with themselves. I support them to connect with their own wisdom, learning how to read their bodies, their intuition and how to change beliefs that keep them feeling small, insignificant, weak, scared, undeserving, undervalued....the list goes on!

The beliefs we have adopted over the span of our lives happens through our families, communities, life experiences, gender roles modelled to us within all of those, in our cultural media, and collective psyche!

Our negative self-talk and low self-worth often leads to judgement, distrust, exaggeration, blame, and tearing down of others in order to feel bigger and better in some way. This is true for both men and women, of all genders and many cultures.
Speaking to the feminine collective, this insidious behaviour, whether conscious or unconscious, is toxic and breaks our kinship apart. It fragments us, weakens us and sends us out on the ice flows of isolation and apathy.

Our patriarchal “his”-tory has nurtured this quite cleverly and purposefully through the centuries. "Divide and Conquer"; "Let them tear each other apart". We have been baited time and time again by the hands of capitalism, industrialization, advertising and marketing of all forms, as way to manipulate power and personal choice to the benefit of the corporate, social, and political machines.
Women have inherent tenacity, resilience, intuitive depths and deep instinctual nature - we have birthed this world, from the time of it's inception.
This is not about bashing men, or the masculine energy. We need a better balance of the masculine and feminine energies present within us all, men and women alike, and within our societies for our humanity to flourish and this planet to be saved.
However, historically there has been a great imbalance, whereby the much of the feminine has retreated out of fear and manipulation, and /or turned on itself for perceived "survival".

Why is this important?

Our awakening to our true worth, voices, choices comes along with awareness of how our beliefs have been molded, and how they influence how we show up in the world. Women have so much to offer each other an the world! A return to one's true essence and potential is crucial at this time on the planet.
When women support, love and celebrate each other the potency and potential is of such an incredible magnitude it shakes the literal foundations of our families, communities, and socio-cultural strongholds.
In a good way!!! Even if unfamiliar, and perhaps uncomfortable, for those not used to the beautiful force of the true feminine.
The divine feminine is both nurturing and fierce. Tender and wild. Knowing and focused!
We are NEEDED in all our techno-color and strength!

Sisters, we need each other now more than ever. To help heal our lineages of pain and loss. To guide and strengthen the generations of young men and women who will carry the torch of humanity forward.

Let our legacy be one of Sisterhood, not of toxicity.

Awaken. Step Out & Step Up!

Where can YOU start?


What might you be talking about, if it wasn't about others??? Would you finally allow your true feelings to be heard? To hold space for the women in your life to be real with you?

  • STOP BLAMING Others. DO listen to the hurt under those thoughts, and tend to them lovingly.

  • STOP BEING THE VICTIM. DO take responsibility for your own feelings, thoughts, AND actions.

  • STOP RESCUING. You are worthy and deserving already!

Allow others to have their own process, even if its uncomfortable to witness. ASK, if they want support and how? ASK YOURSELF are you offering out of guilt/obligation. THIS WON'T HELP THEM, or YOU. It keeps them in the role of victim longer, and you supporting a belief about yourself that in order to earn your worth you have to give more, more, and more.

  • STOP focusing only on your BODY & YOUR LOOKS ! What about the rest of your magnificent being? Your great ideas; your funny jokes; your way with animals; how you can get down like nobody's business on the dance floor?!

  • STOP FILLING THE VOID of true connection with booze, fake or exaggerated stories, shopping, eating, dieting, "keeping busy"...being a "super woman".


  • Compliment other women. AND not just their outer appearance. EVEN in your head. The strangers who dare do be different and happily share it in how they show up in the word!

  • BE KIND. There will always be folks that "get on your nerves", or you "don't care for". So what?! DO you need to spend precious energy tearing them apart in your head, behind their backs, or to their face? Who benefits? NO ONE. Choose 1 kind thing to notice about them & MOVE ON!

  • BE INSPIRED, NOT THREATENED. Turn your comparison into what inspires you about another woman. Share how other women inspire you! To their faces, in an email or text. One short sentence will mean more than you could ever know.

  • BOOST EACH OTHER UP! Tell your sisters, you believe in them! Ask how you can help support them?!

  • BE REAL. BE VULNERABLE. CREATE SAFETY. Share your true dreams, desires, fears, doubts.


  • HONOUR YOUR BOUNDARIES. Set some, if they don't exist! TAKE A RISK & ASK for help.

  • ALLOW YOURSELF TO RECEIVE the support that is offered! IF, IT FEELS RIGHT TO YOU!


  • LOVE YOURSELF & SHOW IT. SHARE IT. It's not conceit. It is confidence and self-love!​

Below is my daughter's bedroom wall art she created recently! BAM!
From our hearts to yours! XO

We can choose to "do this life" alone, hiding all the raw real beautiful parts of ourselves and that is exactly how we will feel....ALONE. OR we can create Sisterhood, on purpose!
The old way of "going it alone", hiding and/or creating toxic vibes and environments for our women has done nothing but create loneliness, degenerate our joy, sense of worth and our potential.

It is time for the feminine to rise again in love and empowerment.
Like sisters let's offer love, acceptance of difference, truth telling, working though all the feels, helping each other up when we fall, holding each other tight, laughing with each other until it hurts and being the family for each other, perhaps the sisterhood we always wanted. Learn along the way, with each other.
Create safe, supportive, and playful space for yourself & your sisters!

With Gratitude.
A deep bow to all of you my SISTARS!

Amanda XOXO


Raising Heart Consciousness Through Ceremony And Ritual


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