Cleanse the pathway into 2023 - Energy Hygiene Tips

Energy Hygiene is not something I was “taught about” growing up, nor was generally shared as part of human life in general.

I was always aware of “feeling” differently around various people, places, and spaces. I was aware of dramatic shifts in my level of physical energy, emotional states, and dream scapes after visiting certain people and/or nature spaces. Some of these experiences were very nourishing, others were draining and left me feeling disoriented, heavy, and even depressed at times.

I was, and still am, a Sensitive. I easily attune to the subtle energies, or frequencies, around me. I can also attune to the energies of people and places through my inner connection of thought, visualization and heart intention.

Once I discovered Yoga and Meditation in my late teens and begun my spiritual journey, I began to learn more about this incredible dynamic invisible field of potential that is directly influencing ALL life!

Your Subtle Energy Body, like mine, is directly wired to your physical nervous system and endocrine system (think glands & organs). Your nervous system regulates your “Flight, Fight, Freeze” and “Rest & Digest” responses. Your endocrine system helps to regulate hormones, energy levels, mood, stress, metabolism, growth and reproduction.

The Luminous Body has an exact blueprint of your physical within it, and also has frequency grids that have templates of your mental, emotional, spiritual, and etheric (quantum) aspects. Your Chakras are energy centers that help to process, organize and assimilate what you take in as part of your human experience; from what you eat, the colours you see, sounds you hear, words you think, interactions with other humans, nature, shapes and sizes of things around you…the list is infinite. Just like your potential!

EVERYTHING has a frequency that your energy body is in constant communication with.

Your energy field is electromagnetic.

It has patterning that is of your soul origin, and is also influenced by your day to day living, not just your choices but also by your thoughts and emotional states. You can, and will, experience build up of energy and/or a weakened flow or strength of energy within your bio-field. Just like nature, your energetic body (light body, luminous body, bio-field) is in an organic state of flux. It weaves in and out of balance, however, there is generally an overall harmonic state it is always magnetizing towards.

It is important to regularly cleanse and reset your energy field, so that it can return to its harmonic state more easily, and effectively adapt as you change and grow, as both a human and a spiritual being.

There are many ways to cleanse and balance your own bio-field, and the environments you spend time of which influence your energy.

Three effective methods:


Plant/Tree Smoke + sweeping gestures

Visualization + crystal grids

As you consider the timeline shift into the year 2023 (or anytime you feel a significant shift in your own personal timelines!) it is an easily aligned practice to cleanse and clear the past, attune to your present energy, and pre-pave space for what in unfolding in the now to future pathways!

Below are some suggestions for you. Choose a few and enjoy!

DON’T create unrealistic expectations and put pressure to do them all before Jan 1st! You have time.

2023 is only just opening the door to a new year and we are also currently in retrograde energy with Mars, and Mercury, so take your time! You have time.

There are lots of New Moons yet to come, and for those who experience a menstrual cycle - you have an opportunity every month to align with natural cycles of cleanse and rebirth.

Energy hygiene goes beyond your own auric field and chakras.

Everything you “connect” with has an energetic frequency, and a potential residue.

It is important to think of your world as having a living essence, with a variety of vibrational tones that help to shape how you perceive it and directly engage with it!

Here are a few suggested Energy Hygiene practices for you:

Clear out your cell phone - Save what you want and delete everything that is holding energy from the past, that serves no helpful or supportive purpose moving forward.

Delete contacts that no longer have relevance in your personal, or professional life. Delete old text conversations and photos.

Clean out your closet and dressers. Donate items of clothing, jewellery, shoes, bags, and any item related to your wardrobe that feels like an old version of yourself, the version you no longer truly embody.

Keep items that are a more authentic expression of who you are NOW.

Nothing at all wrong with older versions of yourself, however, you are different now, inside and out. It is ok to move on. In fact, it’s very important that you do or else you will create energetic drag with the weight of what used to be.

Consider what activities no longer truly float your boat, but you just keep on, keeping on. Let those go with the winds of the past. Make a simple plan to spend time doing the type of exercise, creative and social activities that you heart and soul desire NOW. Those things that light you up, lift yours spirits, bring you peace, help you feel passionate about life, leave you feeling confident, more stable and/or challenge you in some way for the better.

House/Home and work space energy clearing. Use sound frequency (bells, singing bowls, rattle, drum), and/or plant medicine smoke to release old stagnant reminant energy from you living and work spaces. Post cleanse, bring in new plants, intentional intuitive crystal gridding, change some of the furniture around, add that fresh coat of paint you have been meaning to do for some time, and any other decor or decluttering that has been on the “to-do” that still feels important to you.

Recycle, or burn, old “to-do” lists hanging around.

Clear out old receipts and papers you no longer need.

Clean out your fridge of old stale food items and give it a good clean!

Make the phone calls & book the appointments you keep placing on the back burner.

Create a water ritual whereby you intuitively release old emotions from you heart space into a vessel of water, then offer it to the earth mother + an offering of gratitude to her to complete the ritual.

Create a fire ritual whereby you speak your intentions towards a flame and gather the fire energy towards your third eye, heart and power center chakras, Offer your thanks the Sacred Fire for it’s alchemical power and union with your inner fire.

Any, and all of these practices help to clear away old energetic cords and debris from the layers of your bio field and your life path.

These practices increase mindfulness and intentional living.

Taking time to do these types of things will help refresh your life focus and overall energy.

You will feel a greater sense of empowerment, sacredness and self-esteem as you create space for what you truly desire to manifest and how your heart wants to create moving forward.

Many Blessings of clear and loving paths to you ! XO



Holy # 13


Imbolg Ritual