Imbolg Ritual


Warm and bold Imbolg Blessings to you!

Imbolg/c, translates from Irish Gaelic to mean “in the belly”. The quickening within the Earth Mother's belly is strengthening as we move forward through the wheel of the year. The light of Spring is growing with the strengthening of the Sun. New life, new light, new opportunities, old projects and dreams brought forward into renewed light, infused with a sense of vitality, and potential. A time of nurturing the renewed and untried.

Traditionally in Pre-Celtic, and pre-Christian, cultures, Imbolg(c) is honoured at the time between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Referred to as a Cross Quarter time. Often between Feb 1-2nd. Also referred to as Lammas (feast of the bread) and in Christian oriented traditions, Michaelmas.

This year, 2024, Feb 4th is the exact archaeo-astronomical date and occurs at 12:07 am Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT). This time is known as both a time of celebrating the energies of early spring and a portal for healing. A matriarchal feminine ceremonial time of recommitment to bring forth and honour the new, the fire alight in your heart and light of life shining on your dreams and desires.

Imbolg energies are associated with Pre-Celtic Goddess Brigid, also know as the Matron Saint Brigid of Ireland. Also, widely known throughout the Celtic lands as Bride, Bridey, Brighid, Brigit, Briggidda, Brigantia, Brigdu, among others variations, and having many different pronunciations.

Imbolg serves as a time of great celebration and honouring of Brigid as the Healer, the Blacksmith, the Poet & Bard, a Prophetic and Sovereign Creative life force that emboldens the passion for life in your heart, and hearth within. Symbolic of the renewal of life, of generosity and miracles, she ignites and nurtures the fire within, and without.

Sacred fires were kept, fire ceremonies held, homes purified in order to clear the path for new beginnings and to feel deeply alive & empowered. Her sacred flame still burns and is tended to in County Kildare, Ireland.

Last year, Ireland declared the closest Monday to Feb 1st as an official bank holiday, naming it Brigid’s Day. A wonderful step in recognition and honouring the Divine Feminine’s ancient and modern relevance to health, community, healing and empowerment.

“To be held on the nearest Monday to February 1st, (feast of St Brigid and traditional date of Brigid’s festival of Imbolc), next year it will be on February 6th.

Why choose Brigid, saint or goddess, to be an icon for women, and why now?

In a post-Covid world, we will be able to reflect further on her role, asking how the integration of nature, culture and technology can serve to heal our wounds and the vulnerable earth

The decision recognises the rising interest in the figure of Brigid and the role of women in Irish society.

May the new Brigid festival usher in an Irish springtime festival spreading Brigid's generous spirit throughout the world”

Irish Times Except Jan 1st, 2022.

Irish Times - Full Article HERE

During the 2024 Imbolg portal, which is at it’s peak February 1st -4th, yet extends throughout the month of February, YOU are invited to also initiate an energetic, psycho-emotional and physical spring cleaning, making way for your new ideas, dreams, and a more full expression of your truest self and the life you wish to create.

Brigid is a Triple Goddess who embodies the archetypal energies of the Maiden, the Goddess and the Crone which are honoured at different times of the year.

You can align your energies and intentions to receive the blessings of Goddess Brigid.

She nurtures sovereignty, healing, warmth, generosity, community, integrity, passion for life, connection with animals, pure uninhibited creativity, vitality and more.

Goddess Brigid is the keeper of the Sacred Wells of Ireland, also the stewardess of the Sacred Flame - Goddess of the Sun and Fire. She is known as the Goddess of Midwifery and Childbirth.

There are many ways you can honour Brigid. In doing so, you are aligning your essence and intentions with her benevolence and power.

Traditional rituals involve:

  • Weave a Brigid’s Cross from young reeds, pussy willows, paper, pipe cleaner, or straws. If using paper, you can write your renewal intentions on the pieces or use red/green/white paper. These are Brigid’s colours. Place this near the Hearth of the Home, fire place or wood stove, and/or your personal Sacred Altar. It was traditionally placed in barns to assist in the fertility and protection of animals. Also, placed near the sacred wells of Ireland, and near bonfires lit in celebration of her. It is a symbol of protection and blessings.

  • Create a Brigid Doll from young reeds.

  • Fire rituals and ceremonies are common practice. Simple intentional candle lighting.

  • Water rituals and ceremonies also commonplace. Visiting natural water ways to commune. Having a small bowl, or chalice of water from a natural source on your altar.

  • Bake a seed bread, or cake. Offer some to the fire and/or the land in honour of Brigid’s Blessings.

  • Visit a nature space sacred to you, to offer your prayers, gratitude and.

  • Enjoying an intentional Imbolg feast with friends and family. Decorate your table with items with the colours symbolic of Brigid’s energy - green, white, or red.

    It is wonderful if you can align your ceremonial times with Feb 1 -4th, however, sometimes this is not possible.

    If you miss doing this during the Feb 1-4th portal, you can still do it anytime during the month of February. Brigid’s mantle (energetic presence like a blanket over you and the earth) is active during the whole month.

Choose 3 consecutive days to engage with your ritual. Break up the various aspects of the preparation for the feast, for making your cross/doll, or prepare for your own personal water/fire ritual.

This represents the 3 embodiments of Brigit, which are the Maiden, Mother -Goddess, and the Crone. The guidance I have received directly from Goddess Bridigt is that these also symbolically and energetically represent the “conception, gestation, and birthing” of your dreams and intentions.

Create your own opening and closing statements/invocations. This activates and releases the energies and your ritual experience.

Play this song to Welcome Brigid’s sacred energies to you and your space.

Call upon Goddess Brigid, or Matron Saint Brigid, to be with you and bring her blessings.

As you complete your ritual, thank Goddess Brigid for her holy presence and healing energy.

Blessed Imbolg dear ones!

Join in the beauty and re-vitalizing energy of Imbolg.

Curious to explore more?

Complete “Guided - At Home Imbolg Ritual”

Including curated Spotify Play List, Ritual Opening/Closing, & Affirmations.


*Available for purchase at 7Feathers Healing School this February 2024!

Many Many Blessings for Abundance and Vitality to you all.

XO Amanda

PS>> If you enjoy simple ceremony, working with affirmations & creating sacred time in your daily life, you might want to take a peak at our Online Course - Wise Women Awakening.

This course invites you to awaken to the Divine Feminine, deepen your love for and empower your inner wise woman through intentional self-inquiry - journaling, embodiment and ritual practices steeped in Goddess Energy.

There are several options for this course. Evergeen Self-Paced Full & Mini Courses.

All downloadable for offline exploration.

Click here for the FREE - Inner Empress Mini Module

Click on this LINK for details of ALL course options in Seven Feathers Healing School.


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